Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Today I've been PONDERING......

I've really been WONDERING.....

I've been pretty darn CURIOUS.....

I'm only HUMAN.....

CURIOSITY is a normal feeling one has.....

Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : desire to know: 2 : inquisitive interest in others' concerns

"THEY" say that CURIOSITY killed the cat.....

But I am truly UNDECIDED.....

I wouldn't be able to JUDGE one way or the other.....

I could even go so far to say that I am STUMPED.....

I WANT TO KNOW..........


IF SO.....PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT OR TWO.....(see at the end of each post)




THANK YOU............Lj


Until we meet again.....Greetings and a big Pumpkin Moon from Planet Norwood.........

Tranquillity Base...........................out

Sunday, October 22, 2006


This morning I awoke with beautiful thoughts and memories of Paris on my mind.

What a glorious city!! Truly the city of lights and of love.

The sights, the tastes, the smells, the sounds, the art, the history, the architecture, the music, the people, the gardens, the flowers, the dogs, the trees, the language, are just a few of the wonderful things Paris has to give. It's more than enough to keep memories alive and well for years and years.

I feel blessed to have had the chance to spend time there. I hope to go back someday....but if not....I will always have Paris embedded deep in my heart and in my soul.

Merci, Paris.....

Paris, toujours Paris!

Until we meet again.....Bonjour from Planet Norwood........Lj

Tranquillity Base..........out

Saturday, October 14, 2006



Bono in Africa

The Oprah Show

GAP T-Shirts

Converse Shoes

Oprah and Bono

(RED)™ was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver to empower consumers to shop and do good at the same time. A portion of profits from the sale of (RED)™ branded products goes to The Global Fund to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa, providing access to education, nutrition, counseling, medical services, and the two pills a day they need to help them stay alive.

The Global Fund is the world's leading funder of programs to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which kill over 6 million people per year.

The Gap is introducing Gap (PRODUCT) RED™—a new, limited collection of clothing and accessories for men and women designed to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. As part of Gap's global partnership with (PRODUCT) RED™, half of the profits from sales of the Gap (PRODUCT) RED™Collection will go to The Global Fund to finance programs that help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Motorola is introducing the new red MOTORAZR V3m. The red MOTORAZR V3m was designed to help eliminate AIDS in Africa.

The iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED™Special Edition holds up to 1,000 songs, 25,000 photos, and a little hope because $10 from every iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED™sold goes directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.

Emporio Armani is a proud partner of (PRODUCT) RED™.This pioneering initiative will raise money and awareness for The Global Fund through the sales of a RED-branded capsule collection designed by Giorgio Armani. Over the next five years, 40 percent of the gross profits from (Emporio Armani) RED will go directly to eradicate AIDS in Africa.

It's just a little, red eyelet, but it's the mark of a big idea. That single red eyelet at the top of each pair of Converse (PRODUCT) RED™ sneakers signifies participation in (RED)™, a program designed to help fight AIDS in Africa.

Clothes are usually just fashion statements, but not today. "Clothes are usually not important or significant, they usually just cover your body, but I am wearing the most important T-shirt I've ever worn in my life. I love this so much I bought one for every person in this audience," Oprah says. "This red T is a revolutionary idea dreamed up by a man I call the reigning king of hope, and he just may be the coolest guy on the planet—Bono!"

(RED)™ is a revolutionary program designed to eliminate AIDS in Africa. "Lots of people here in the United States have been trying to deal with the problems of Africa in a very serious way," Bono says. "But not everybody has the time to be an activist or put on their marching boots. So we said, 'How are we going to get the shopping malls involved? How are we going to get to where people live and shop…?'"

By buying a (RED) brand T-shirt, a pair of jeans or even a cell phone, you can help save lives. Part of your purchase will be donated to The Global Fund to help those who need it most. Just the T-shirts that the audience is wearing today will provide enough medication to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child for over 14,000 pregnant women.

"In some countries over a third of the people are HIV positive. Can you imagine that? A third of this audience is sitting there and they know they're going to die," Bono says. "We have these drugs. And they're not that expensive. We think it's a very American thing, it's a very European thing, to say, 'Look, these people are going to die; they don't need to die.' Two Twin Towers a day. A tsunami a month. One hundred fifty thousand Africans die of a preventable, treatable disease every month. They don't have to. And we think the Oprah kind of people will just not have it—they'll do the right thing, they'll do the (RED) thing."

Bono is using his passion to try to change the world. Does he ever get overwhelmed because of the need in Africa? "Yes, you get overwhelmed with the size of these problems and you think can we do something about it?" Bono says. "But I am really [convinced] that this generation, our generation, can be the generation to say 'no' to extreme poverty, or what I call 'stupid' poverty."

Bono recently visited Lesotho, Africa, where they make the signature Gap (PRODUCT) RED™ T-shirts. "You have a situation where most of those people in there are not aware that drugs are on the way," Bono says. "A third of them at this point are going to die, as they see it. "How do you go to work when you think you're going to die?"

The area has 150,000 people and one clinic. One doctor or nurse does the job of 10. Bono meets children taking complex AIDS medication who don't have enough money for food and are even starving in hospitals. (RED)™ will give teens like Angelique access to proper medication and a chance at a better life. "I would have died and no one would remember me, but I am alive because I got the medicine," Angelique says. "To have people who care and help us, I send a message of love to each of them. We have a better dream for us and a better future and that gives us hope."

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations......from the Planet.

Off to the GAP to buy a couple of those T-Shirts!

Tranquillity Base................out.

Sunday, October 08, 2006



Gabriel wants to be a teacher and Anthony studies to be a doctor.

Standing in front of the hut that their mother had built.

These two boys are so self driven. They have not given up, although they have nothing.....only each other. They strive to make good grades, studying by fire light, until the last ember is cold. They only have one meal a day, which consists of a cup of porridge each, and sometimes not even that. But they don't give up.....

Most children of today are blessed by having such a luxury as their Cell phone...Blackberry...Sony Playstation...Ipod...Gameboy...McDonalds...Coca Cola...clean sheets...fluffy brand clothes and shoes...fresh water...a fridge full of Mommy and a Daddy.

But many take all these wonderful things for granted, each and every day....not even giving a second thought to having such a luxury.

These two boys pull so hard at my heart strings.....My heart aches for their welfare. I pray for them and think about them often.

God please bless Anthony and Gabriel.

Until we meet again.....Fresh water, clean sheets, and fluffy pillows from Planet Norwood.

Tranquillity Base..................out.




A Wind of Hope for two brothers orphaned by AIDS

Gabriel, 13, and Anthony, 14, have been living alone since the death of their mother three years ago.

ISIOLO, Kenya, 27 July 2006 – Siblings Anthony and Gabriel Koikoi are the best of friends; they can't afford not to be. Since both their parents died three years ago, the two brothers are all that is left of their family.

“Mama had complained of chest pains for a very long time,” 14-year old Anthony recalled. “She tried different kinds of medicines but her condition only got worse.”

Eventually, neighbours took their mother to an Isiolo hospital in Northern Kenya.

“We visited her a few times,” Anthony continued. “One morning we went, and they told us she was dead.”

Now, the two boys live alone, barely surviving. Their relatives were supportive at first, but eventually withdrew into their own lives.

“My uncle lives just a stone’s throw away. Sometimes we go without food and he knows. He does nothing about it,” said Anthony. “All we can count on for food is the porridge we get from Pepo.”

UNICEF supports Pepo La Tumaini with the nutritional supplement UNIMIX, of which members like Anthony and Gabriel receive a monthly ration. The ration is meant only to supplement an existing diet, but for households with nothing else, the ration often becomes the main meal.

“Sometimes it does not even last two weeks. We either dilute it so that it lasts longer, or we just go hungry until the next ration – unless a good Samaritan helps us,” said 13-year old Gabriel.

Rosa Adapal, 40, has been assigned by Pepo la Tumaini’s programme coordinator Khadija Rama to look into the wellbeing of the boys. Ms. Adapal, however, has a family of her own and can only come by briefly to see how they are getting along.

“We get lonely and sad at times,” Gabriel confessed. ”But we have no choice, we have to go on.”

The story of the two boys was featured on “Where Have All the Parents Gone?”, an hour-long documentary on CNN about the one million children in Kenya who have been orphaned by AIDS as well as the countless others who are living with HIV/AIDS. The documentary, reported by CNN’s chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour, began airing on 19 July.

A brighter future

UNICEF is working with Pepo la Tumaini to ensure that children like Anthony and Gabriel receive support and regular meals. Along with a local private sector partner, UNICEF is assisting the organization to expand their transition centre, which will enable the two brothers to move in.

This centre will give them and other children a safe place to receive regular meals, attend school, and have access to counseling. In addition to caring for their current needs, the centre will also help the children plan for a brighter future.

As for their own future plans, Gabriel wants to be a teacher and Anthony wants to be a doctor. Despite their hardships, Anthony offers words of inspiration to other children who have been orphaned, telling them, “Hold on. Do not give up, even if you are alone.”


TRANQUILLITY BASE..........................OUT